HAVE YOUR SAY: Apple Global Flagship Store proposed for Federation Square

All Victorians are invited to have a say on proposed plans to demolish the Yarra Building at Federation Square and construct a new Apple Global Flagship Store. The plans are currently being advertised by Heritage Victoria due to the Interim Protection Order placed on the site following the National Trust’s nomination of Fed Square to the Victorian Heritage Register.
Proposed Apple Store Plans
On Wednesday 30 January 2019, Heritage Victoria advertised a permit application for the demolition of the Yarra Building at Federation Square. The permit application includes the most comprehensive documentation about the project which has yet been made publicly available. Permit documents can be downloaded at Heritage Victoria’s website, or via our Dropbox.
Have Your Say
To make a submission, email [email protected]. Submissions close on Wednesday 13 February. Written submissions should consider the impact of the proposal on the heritage values of Federation Square, and clearly state whether you support or object to the proposal. The heritage values of Federation Square are outlined below. For more information about the process, and tips on writing your submission, download our Advocacy Toolkit.
Extract from Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance, Recommendation of the Executive Director, Thursday 11 October, 2018
Federation Square is significant at the State level for the following reasons:
Federation Square is historically significant as Victoria’s principal and most enduring response to the commemoration of Australia’s Centenary of Federation (1901-2001). It was the State of Victoria and City of Melbourne’s major public commission for the Centenary and incorporates a design language and art works relating to Federation. [Criterion A]
Federation Square is significant as a notable public square. It is a fine and highly intact example of its class and displays high quality design characteristics. As a large, open urban space with civic prominence, it has become Melbourne’s pre-eminent mass gathering place and attracts visitors from across Victoria, nationally and internationally. [Criterion D]
Federation Square is significant for its aesthetic and architectural qualities. It has visually distinctive non-orthogonal forms and uses a unique design grammar of lines and fractal geometries combined to achieve a complex architectural aesthetic of coherence and difference. Federation Square is one of the most awarded projects in the history of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) Victoria, and has been critically acclaimed in state, national and international architectural publications. [Criterion E]
Federation Square is technologically significant for its engineering achievements. The decking over the former Jolimont railyards was the first large scale application of this technology and it remains the largest expanse of railway decking built in Victoria and Australia. The use of computer aided design (CAD) and emerging 3D computer programs for modelling and documentation, the design and construction of the façade ‘wraps’, and the structure of the Atrium, were all innovative and complex for their time. The Labyrinth system for storing and dispersing air demonstrates a high degree of technical achievement as the reintroduction and expansion of a previously obsolete technique. [Criterion F]
Federation Square is socially significant to the Victorian community as the state’s pre-eminent civic space for public gatherings. It has been regularly used in times of celebration, grief and protest, such as the Iraq War demonstration in 2003. The public screen allows for live streaming to a mass audience of historically important events such as the 2006 Commonwealth Games and the Apology to the Stolen Generations in 2008. Federation Square is also significant as the location of some of Victoria’s most important arts and cultural institutions. There are particularly strong associations between the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), the Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, the Koorie Heritage Trust and the Deakin Edge auditorium and their communities. [Criterion G]
Federation Square has a special association with LAB Architecture Studio and its directors Peter Davidson and Donald L Bates. They have made a strong and influential contribution to the course of Victoria’s history through the design of Federation Square, one of the most awarded projects in the history of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) Victoria. [Criterion H]
Update on Heritage Registration
Following the National Trust’s nomination of Federation Square to the Victorian Heritage Register in July 2018, the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria has issued an Interim Protection Order (IPO) while the heritage registration is processed. In October Heritage Victoria has made a recommendation to the Heritage Council of Victoria that it be permanently added to the Register. Following a period of public consultation, the Heritage Council received an unprecedented number of submissions, more than 750 in total, mostly in support of heritage protection. A hearing has been scheduled for 15-17 April 2019.
I wholeheartedly support the submission of the National Trust in opposition to the proposal to demolish a major component of the overall design concept of Federation Square to construct a building totally out of keeping with the site. Further, Federation Square is for the enjoyment by all of arts and entertainment. Existing small scale operations (restaurants) are consistent with this concept. A large commercial operation is not. There are existing Apple stores in Melbourne CBD and Docklands and a further construction demonstrates an unnecessary monopoly by an international company, rather than an enjoyable space for all.
Federation Square is a wonderful place for Visitors & locals to spend time. It’s unique building structures & welcoming design is synonymous to Melbourne. Fed Square is a cultural place & has embraced our traditional owner’s. My daughter was so inspired by Fed. Square, she even built a model of all the buildings for her grade 6 project. Please leave Federation Square as it is. Our shopping centres are already saturated with overseas brands & products. People are more than happy to visit our great shopping centres for their needs. Federation Square is so unique & cultural to Melbourne & Victoria. Leave it as it is for all to enjoy. Thank you Lee & family
Federation Square is a fabulous space. It is aesthetically pleasing and well utilised. One of the keys to the Sqaure is there is no retail. People just pass through, meet others, go to an event or dine. Any change to the vendors is the Sqaure should only be in existing buildings. The fact that Apple changing Fed Sqaure in such a significant was is even an option is a travesty.
Please leave Fed Sqaure for all the people.
I do not support the demolition of part of Fed Square to build an Apple store. Not only would this be a waste of resources, the design of the new building is at odds and doesn’t fit with the Square.
We object to the proposed redevelopment of Federation Square. The proponents to build an Apple Store on part of the site fail to understand the cultural and aesthetic significance of the space. Those responsible for the care and management of the square need to “lift their game”.
A simple reply. It is not appropriate.
I have a different view. The Yarra Buiding is the least distinguished part of Federation Square and has not attracted sustainable use, although intended for commercial purposes. It blocks the view of and easy access to the Yarra. A different building which integrates well with the rest of the square, allows better Yarra access and has a sustainable commercial purpose will add to the viability, social, cultural and economic, of the Square. While I personally dislike the initial look of the Apple building and hope it can be redesigned, I have no problem with an Apple ‘flagship’ outlet in the Square, with the other cultural and commercial uses already there.
(I have no connection with Apple, other than as a user).
Fed square is no place for a retail phone outlet .melbourne has lots of shops suitable for this purpose.Fed Square is an area to be enjoyed by locals and visitors
I am strongly against he idea of Apple opening a shop at Federation Square.
It is innapropriate for them to inhabit a public space that is supposed to be used to meet, socialise and share joy and cross cultural exchanges.
There are plenty of other spaces they could open a shop.
We don’t need consumerism based ventures taking over the little non commercial based public spaces we have left. NO THANKS !
While the Yarra building does restrict the view of the River from the Square, this does not mean something nearly as large and obstructive (as the planned Apple Store will be) should be built in its place.
A better solution should be possible, resulting in the opening up of the Southerly aspect – perhaps by the judicious use of glass walls – without the complete destruction of the ambience of Federation Square by the building of an unattractive commercial building.
Melbourne is lucky to have Federation Square for many activities including arts, the gathering of community groups, and small businesses such as restaurants. The large international company Apple will change the atmosphere. I support the National Trust’s opposition to the proposal to demolish a major component of the Federation Square so as to replace it with a building unrelated to the overall design.
Please do not destroy an important Melbourne icon.
I think building an Apple store in Federation square is inappropriate, the area is usued a lot for gatherings of all sorts by the community. Having a large retail store like Apple will change the atmosphere and the purpose of the area. I support the National Trusts opposition to this project.