HAVE YOUR SAY: Proposed Metro Tunnel Project Station Entrance at Federation Square

Following the National Trust’s nomination of Federation Square to the Victorian Heritage Register, the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria has issued an Interim Protection Order (IPO) in response to plans by Cross Yarra Partnership (CYP) to demolish the Western Shard and construct a station entrance at Federation Square as part of the Metro Tunnel Project. The proposed works seek to:
- Erect temporary hoarding around the station entrance site
- Demolish the element known as ‘the Western Shard’ (until recently used as a visitor information centre)
- Remove a section of the Federation ‘deck’
- Erect a temporary acoustic shed
- Undertake excavation works
- Construct a station entrance structure to the new Town Hall underground station and associated above and below-ground infrastructure.
To view the plans in full, click here.
Anyone can comment on the application by email to [email protected], with submissions closing on Wednesday 12 September. Written submissions should consider the impact of the proposal on the heritage values of Federation Square, and clearly state whether you support or object to the proposal.
The Interim Protection Order will be in place for a period of 4 months, to allow Heritage Victoria to assess the nomination for permanent inclusion in the Register. Heritage Victoria will then make a recommendation to either include or not include the place on the Register, with a 60 day period provided for public submissions.
Federation Square is the homepage to the city. That station entrance design is a shocker. If the government is intent on demolishing it, then replace it with the three level glass Western Shard design from the original Federation Square drawings. This space could be a train entrance, a Visitor Centre, and a Museum of Federation. A single hole in the ground for a station entrance won’t cut it I’m afraid. The four year duration is also simply unacceptable. Go back to the drawing board and get this part of the city correct. Thank you.
Glass Western Shard:
It is a great opportunity to install the Architects original glass shard that was rejected by govt and church wowserism. The glass shard elegantly anchored the heaviness of Fed squares architecture. It was the necessary juxtaposition defining the architects vision. You must do better on such a prominent corner.
Incorporate the existing form into the entrance thus to not compromise the holistic federation square design?
YES to the comments expressed above. Honour the original architectural design. Incorporate the glass shards.