National Trust supports inclusion of Chart House in Heritage Overlay for Guildford and Hardware Lane Precinct

In November, we supported the City of Melbourne’s proposed Amendment C365 to apply a permanent Heritage Overlay to Chart House, 372-378 Little Bourke Street. The amendment recognises the entirety of the building as contributory to the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Precinct, identified in the amended Guildford and Hardware Laneways Heritage Study May 2017 (updated September 2019). This follows the application of permanent heritage controls for parts of Guildford and Hardware Laneways in August.
Chart House is contributory to the Guildford and Hardware Laneways Precinct as it shares key characteristics of the precinct and is a significant representative example of an interwar office, demonstrating the Precinct’s valued historical patterns and land use.
We strongly support the active steps taken by the City of Melbourne to permanently preserve Chart House to ensure that the unique character and understanding of Melbourne’s social and architectural history is retained.
You can read our submission in support of the amendment here.
Image courtesy Melbourne Heritage Action.
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