Proposed tree removal in Warrnambool

This week we made a submission to the Warnambool City Council regarding their proposed removal of two Moreton Bay Fig trees in the median strip at Raglan Parade. This issue was reported on in the local media in October, and we had many concerned locals getting in touch with our team. Following community concern the Warnambool City Council held off on the works and has conducted consultation on the removal with the local community.
This avenue of 36 Moreton Bay Figs (Ficus macrophylla) is included in the National Trust Register of Significant Trees (file no. T11234). This avenue is significant for aesthetic and social reasons at Regional level. These trees form a fine avenue with a spreading canopy which interlocks to completely shade the media strip. The trees are generally considered to be in a good condition.
We have made a submission to the Warrnambool City Council objecting to the removal of these two Moreton Bay Figs. While we recognise that heavy pruning on these trees due to powerlines has significantly reduced the canopy of these trees, our preference is that all efforts are undertaken to ensure that they are retained in this location. There are issues to be considered with wind and weather conditions, and how any tree removal in this location may affect the ongoing health of the avenue. We have recommended that the Council investigate the relocation of the powerlines as a long-term solution to the issue.
The National Trust encourages the Warrnambool City Council to reconsider the removal of these trees and any future works that may improve the presentation of these trees which are landmarks in the Warrnambool landscape.
Our submission can be read in full here.
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