Updated: Queen Victoria Market Southern Precinct Development Plan Update

Featured Image: Artist’s render of Gurrowa Place. Source: Lendlease. 

In February the National Trust made a submission to the Future Melbourne Committee regarding an early works planning permit application and the proposed Queen Victoria Market (QVM) Southern Precinct Development Plan, December 2023.

The National Trust supports the proposal for the replacement of the open-air carpark with Market Square. However, we have concerns regarding certainty around the design and consultation process for this new public open space, and the excising effect on the Franklin Street Stores from the rest of the Market site. 

We support the proposed adaptive reuse of the Franklin Street Stores. However, we continue to object to the temporary and permanent demolition of the canopy to facilitate the encroachment and cantilever of the tower developments behind the Stores.  

Although a permit for development of the Southern Precinct was approved by Heritage Victoria late last year, the National Trust maintains its position that the height, bulk and cantilever of the proposed tower developments, would have an adverse and irreversible impact on the significance of QVM. 

The Future Melbourne Committee unanimously supported both the early works permit application and the Southern Precinct Development Plan.

Read our full submission here.


On 21 June 2024 the proposed action was declared a controlled action and will now require assessment and approval under the EPBC Act before it can proceed.

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