National Trust Responds to Planning Reforms

Feature Image: Melbourne Suburban Streets, 2018. Credit Tom Rumble. Source: Unsplash
In January the National Trust wrote to the Minister for Planning regarding sweeping planning reforms that were gazetted last month. The new planning controls concern permit exemptions for secondary dwellings, which includes properties with a Heritage Overlay.
While we acknowledge that this policy decision was determined by the Victorian Government as part of implementing Victoria’s Housing Statement, to make it easier to build small second homes, we are concerned there is clear risk for heritage to be left behind.
As stated in our response to the Housing Statement, the National Trust supports the government’s intention to develop a modern, fit for purpose planning scheme. However, the changes in this planning scheme amendment, rather than addressing existing short comings, are further convoluting the planning system. We are concerned with the possibility of rushing through reforms, which could see speedy decisions having irreversible consequences for our significant local cultural heritage
The National Trust maintains that heritage assets should be considered a crucial element and solution to many of the presenting problems.
Read our letter to the Minister for Planning here.
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