31 August 2016
Heritage Victoria grants permit for Pentridge townhouse development
Heritage Victoria has just announced the approval of a new permit (granted on 12 August 2016) at Pentridge Prison for 38 townhouses at 19 Urquhart S..
14 July 2016
Heritage Victoria Approves Pentridge Tower
In news just to hand, Heritage Victoria has given the green light to a controversial 8-storey tower at 11 Urquhart Street, Coburg. The permit, inclu..
21 April 2016
Trust objects to the demolition of Caulfield Red Cross Rest Home
The National Trust has now lodged a formal objection to the demolition of a 100-year old Red Cross Rest Home built for injured returned soldiers. Ou..
15 April 2016
New 8-Storey Development proposed for Pentridge
With Heritage Victoria still assessing a controversial proposal by the Shayher Group for a 19-storey tower at Pentridge, Future Estate, the new owne..
31 December 2015
Five things we learnt about heritage in Victoria in 2015
1. In 2015 there were more than 20 heritage amendments put forward by local government in Victoria but there are still gaps in heritage protection i..
28 July 2015
Mayday Hills permit upheld
The Heritage Council of Victoria have handed down their decision regarding the Mayday Hills permit appeal hearing held in April 2015.
The decisio..
15 March 2013
Mayday Hills maintenance
This 106.5 hectare site once housed 1,000 patients and employed up to 500 people. Following its closure in 1996 it was acquired by Latrobe Universi..
22 August 2012
Castlemaine Gaol redevelopment
The Gaol has been sold to a local consortium for $550,000. The Mt Alexander Branch of the Trust is advocating for preservation of key parts of the ..