19 July 2023
Bright Valley Development
Feature Image: Trees along the Great Alpine Road near Bright, Victoria, Source: Mattinbgn (Wikimedia Commons)
A planning permit application to sub…
31 May 2023
“Overdevelopment” of Robur Tea Building Refused
Feature Image: Render of the proposed development around the Tea House looking along Clarendon Street. Source: Snohetta (via Heritage Victoria).
10 May 2023
Proposed demolition of Maribyrnong Former Migrant Hostel
Feature Image: Arrival at Maribyrnong former Migrant Hostel 1965, Source National Archives of Australia
The National Trust of Australia (Victori…
2 May 2023
Adaptive reuse proposed for the Athenaeum in Sorrento
Feature Image: Athenaeum Sorento Front Elevation, 2009. Source: Victorian Heritage Database
Heritage Victoria is assessing a permit application …
6 April 2023
Carbon Capture and Storage Programs
Feature Image: Endeavour Fern Gully in Red Hill, 2014. Source: National Trust
The National Trust in Victoria is dedicated to active decarbonisat…
15 March 2023
Return Development Proposal at Robur Tea House
Feature Image: Robur Tea House. Source: National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has objected to a perm…
31 January 2023
Queen Victoria Market Receives Conditional Permit Approval
Feature Image: Shed C Exterior from Queen Street, 2016. Source: National Trust
The Executive Director of Heritage Victoria has conditionally app…
24 January 2023
Win for Cultural Heritage Values at the No.2 Goods Shed
Feature Image: No.2 Goods Shed, 2001. Source: National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
Heritage Victoria has refused a permit application for pr…
8 December 2022
VCAT WIN in Newtown
Feature Image: Barwon Grange, Newtown
In September, we joined with the National Trust Geelong & Region Member’s Branch and the City of Greater G…
6 December 2022
Influential Californian Bungalow Kuring-Gai added to Victorian Heritage Register
Feature Image: The Australian Home Beautiful front cover image, October 1925
In April this year the National Trust supported a recommendation by…